It's only been 3 years. Perhaps I should create an update!
How about how to set your own image for your Windows 7 log on screen? Yes. I'm still working with Windows 7, so have no idea if this works on 8 or 10. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Basically, this is for non-domain systems and/or systems where the group policy doesn't interfere. Insert the following into a text file and rename it, e.g. custom_background.reg:
(omit the --- lines at the top and bottom)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
That will ensure the OEMBackground value is set to '1' (as shown above) and if your theme or GP (group policy) resets it, you can easily re-run the file to update it to '1' again.
Next, navigate over to C:\Windows\System32\oobe\info\backgrounds\ (you may need to create the \info\backgrounds folder if it does not already exist) and replace your backgrounddefault.jpg file with one of your choice. Being sure to match the resolution of your display. Also, there are a number of naming conventions for the files contained within this folder for purposes of matching various resolutions, which is beyond the scope of this tutorial.
There are a number of small programs that will handle this task for you. Here is one of them. Here is an alternate tutorial covering Windows 7 through 10.
That's it, folks!